
October 9, 2008

A Place of Peace

I am enjoying the peace of the Lord! I wish that I could package this peace in boxes and give it to everyone I know (and some I don't). The present for the people that have everything...(or think they do).
As I am facing yet another "situation", and I sure do get my fair share of situations. The upside is, after each one, I am blessed with the ability to face the next with a better attitude and more tools to fight back AND WIN. Ever mindful that there is always a "next one". Which reminds me how grateful I am for the scripture that says when God is pruning us it is so we can be more fruitful.
Facing each situation with thanksgiving for the end result was a hard concept to fathom several years ago; now it is the only option for me. As I watch those people that seem so blessed with the material trappings of this world yet can never smile; I first remember to pray for them and then I rejoice and thank God that I am free from worldly possessions. (Notice the word possessions... look up possess and you will be interested to find that the definition is not something I really want as part of my life. What the world does TO us instead of FOR us.) We may own things but our possessions sometimes possess us.
I no longer have a Mercedes. I no longer have a big house. I no longer have jewelry. I no longer have antiques. I don't have collections. I don't have knick knacks. What I do have is FREEDOM. I am not bound by this world and it was my Father that allowed things to take place to show me just what is important in this life AND STUFF ain't it!!!
I am at a place of peace today. I know that my God is able to do anything! ANYTHING. I don't want to limit Him by asking for something. I want a Godly surprise. I want His will more and more each day. How I came to this conclusion....lots of PRUNING (painful pruning at that).
Prune away Lord. I sprout new limbs every day and the fruit is just waiting to burst forth. I anxiously and earnestly pray for each and every one of you to welcome the pruning and praise Him because a blessing or even more is just around the corner for you too!