
May 22, 2008


I hate to start off the first blog on a sad note, but that is the way it is going to happen. My precious, dear, darling "Stitch" passed away in my arms this morning and I am just stricken with grief. The story below is long but with purpose. You see, this dog, symbolized my life! His rescue was just one way God allowed me to do something kind!
Stitch came to us suddenly, appearing out of nowhere. My family and I were on our way on an outing and to bring my ex-husband to work. We pulled out our dirt driveway and there stumbling along the road was this pathetic grayish white object, weaving like a drunk along the road directly in front of our drive. I had never seen this dog before and he appeared as if out of thin air. He stumbled slowly and kept looking around. "This poor creature needs me" was my first motherly instinct and I watched in horror as a large truck came barreling down the road, just narrowly missing him. He stumbled back a few steps as we drove by and I wanted to stop. My ex-husband ever the practical one said, that dog has mange and everything else Kris...not a good idea. I insisted as did my daughter from the back seat, "DADDY!!!!" please stop and help him. So he finally stopped and got out and called the dog but he refused to come (not that he attempted very hard). He got back in the car and drove off. We dropped "daddy" off at his destination and went to church.
We headed home and there to my amazement STILL in the road was this same pathetic dog. Now at this point, he should have disappeared or moved on, but he was basically stumbling in the same exact spot he was when we left. I pulled ahead and stopped the car. A truck was coming our way and headed straight for the dog (It ceases to amaze me how callous people can be.). I guess my presence detered the driver and he narrowly missed hitting him. I called this poor thing and he just stopped dead in his tracks and waited for me to come. I scooped this poor creature up and carried him to the car. He just relaxed in my arms and appeared content.
Now, I have to admit, this dog looked beyond hideous. He had no fur on his whole bottom or back legs. His skin was raw, black and red. His toenails grotesquely overgrown. Fur hanging over his face so he could barely see and his teeth and breath.... well anyway. I brought the creature home and gave it water and food. I kept it out on the porch that evening because he just looked sickly and I didn't want my children or our other dog, Bitsy, to get sick.
My daughter and I lovingly prayed over the dog that evening. Nena asked God to please make him well and not be too sick so we could keep him. She asked for all his sickness to be cured by the morning so he could live with us. She believed that God would do this. That childlike faith I pray daily for. It made me cry in gratitude for her faith and her belief.
Morning dawned and I packed this poor creature into my car. He laid in my arms and didn't move or wimper. We traveled to the vet. Never was there a more pathetic little thing and I feared the worse. I had prayed with my daughter and was praying again as I went inside.
MIRACLES>>>> God answered our prayer and the sweet little thing was diagnosed with a flea allergy and NOTHING ELSE. Now I promise you this dog had everything when we picked it up off the road. PRAISE GOD He heals animals as well.
God sent me several reminders through this experience. First...whether it is people or animals, we are all God's creatures and each is deserving of kindness love and assistance. Second...every thing we do from our heart, no matter how small, is pleasing to God. Third, never be so busy in life to recognize a "God Moment". Nothing is more worthwhile than being of help to someone or something!!!
We welcomed this broken, sickly little creature with love and gratitude. Why did I do it? He was me! I was broken, run down, sickly, abandoned, without family and starving for something to fill me. Christ accepted me as I was, in that pathetic, ugly state and loved me anyway.
My darling Stitch, you brought much joy and many blessings through your brief presence with us. My dearest hope is that you were loved and comforted enough in your last days. My you be waiting on me and mine with my welcoming comittee when I finally reach my heavenly destination. We love you and will miss you!

1 comment:

Abba's Girl said...

I saw your comment on the lproof blog and wanted to stop by and say hello.

I am so sorry about your precious Stitch. We are dog crazy in this house.

God's blessings to you.