
July 2, 2008

Another Embarrassing Moment a la Siesta Summer Bible Study


THIS IS WHAT I WAS WEARING ALL DAY YESTERDAY!!! (Yep and I didn't put it on that way either!!)

That's right dearest Siesta's this is my summer bargain pair of pants that I bought at a consignment store for $1.00. I wore them once,sent them to the cleaners and put them on yesterday for Siesta Summer Bible Study day... Good thing I went solo (although if I hadn't someone MIGHT HAVE TOLD ME!!!). It never occurred to me that I was a poster child for Summer Bargain Clothing WARNINGS!!!

I still am in shock went the whole day like this and NO ONE TOLD ME...

I was howling in laughter listening to Beth and the Bargain caution. Leggings inside out, ruffled shirt nonsense, scotch taping stuff... little knowing I was sitting down on a GAPING HOLE (with stains no less)...that could have used some of that scotch tape (more like DUCT TAPE) thank you very much.

I am ashamed to say that I got home last night and told Beth's video story perfectly and then went in my room and go undressed and saw THAT!!!!

I literally went through my whole day in slow motion wondering how many people saw that and why oh why didn't someone say anything. Is this one of those cases where they were trying to be nice or cruel hoping more people were laughing at my expense.

One ray of shining hope was the fact that I had managed to put on white underwear instead of colored so that might have hidden this monstrous HOLE!!! To top it off what is with the STAINS??? No it couldn't just be a hole....stains had to come with it.

What have we learned from this???

1. Siestas, no matter what...always tell someone they have a gaping hole in their clothing.

2. Large people should realize that they don't feel drafts like skinny people (apparently).

3. At 40 it is much easier to deal with abject humiliation.

4. It is much easier to deal with abject humiliation WHEN IT HAPPENS TO YOU ALL THE TIME!!!

5. God is truly wonderful and His sense of Humor NEVER ceases to tickle me...because this kind of humbling is just so, so, HUMBLING!!!!

6. I never should have made the ME, ME, ME comments because God has a wonderful sense of humor and will quickly help me shed my desire for fame.

7. Laugh hardest at myself! (It is so much easier to deal with complete horror and embarrasment when you laugh about it.)

8. Tell others about it so they can enjoy LIFE'S MOST EMBARRASING MOMENTS!! (I have too many to count anymore, but hope you are all identifying).

9. This fits right in with the Siesta bible study conversations... many have been talking about self-image idol and how importat image is and how other people see us. I so identify and that is why these moments just go to show that we are all HUMAN and we should be more loving and understanding because this stuff happens to everyone (or maybe it really is just ME, ME, ME)!

10. I couldn't love a group of women more or want to share my embarrasments and laugh with any bunch more than you my dear Siestas!!!

Blessings to you all from the land of TROUSER TRAUMA!!!!!
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sharon :) said...

Oh my goodness, shelf terribly embarassing.....and I was nowhere to be found to let you know of that little blunder. I hang my head in shame.

{{{HUGS}}} for better days ahead!

sharon :)

Holly said...

Awww, I'm sorry that happened to you, dear Siesta!

Have a great weekend with your sweet ones.

My Little Nest said...

LOL. Funny, and not so funny. Glad you found my blog, and I found yours. How great to know you are lovin' the Lord! Yes, gotta laugh at ourselves, for sure. I've learned that lesson well. See you on facebook!