
July 1, 2008


I just got through typing on Beth's Blog for the Siesta Summer Bible Study. It hit me like a ton of bricks. As I listened to her name off some of the blogs she read and what struck her about them, all I could think of was will she talk about me me me!!! FAME!!!! A horrific idol. It never struck me before but I crave attention. I don't know why. I was adopted that supposedly plays a part in it for me. I was never liked as a kid even though I tried sooooooo hard to be cool and funny! I am certainly not popular as an adult either but OHHH how hard I try to be liked and favored. God is trying to tell me something... Ya THINK!!!

FAME is an idol because it is human attention I am craving and it should be God's!!! God has granted me the gift of song... I love to sing, but do I use it for His glory or mine. God has granted me a sense of humor (sarcastic at times but funny nonetheless). God has granted me the ability to write (grammar and spelling aside...) I love to write, but am I writing for His glory or mine. It is therapy for me, me, me, but I need to find how I can turn that into a help ministry. I have always wanted to use the trials in my life to help in some way. BELIEVE YOU ME I have been granted plenty of trials so I could help.

My desire is really to make a difference, but HOW! It sure isn't going to help having Me Me Me syndrome. So onward with Bible Study....onward toward defeating self and living for HIM HIM HIM!!!!

Love ya'll!!!

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