
June 10, 2008



My son, Edward is one of my blessings from God.

While seeking relief from a nervous breakdown and fervently praying for guidance... I downloaded some pictures from the camera and was loading them on the web and came across this one one ---------------->

I am dealing with some pretty serious personal issues. Financially we are deeply burdened and being a single mom that brings issues I can't even begin to fathom at this moment.

Some of you kind ladies have read my church dilema and THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVING AND KIND WORDS!!!!!

This is just how I am feeling.. I want to hide my head from the world.

I realized upon reflection, this little guy and his sister are the very reasons I can't do that. Not only that, but this little bundle of wonder, my comedian, and his gorgeous sister are a gift from God of joy and happiness. He wasn't hiding his head he was being funny!!! That made me laugh and in my opinion other than the "Most High" there is no better medicine than laughter. (Even when we don't feel like laughing.)

This was a gentle reminder to me that while life can often cause the "Turtle" effect of hiding our heads in fear, God tells us we SHALL BE VICTORIOUS over suffering, trials, problems and worries. I can choose to be depressed and allow Satan yet another victory or I can choose to laugh and be joyful in the knowledge that the Lord my God said I will triumph. He promised us seasons of all types! Mine is winter at the moment but... Praise the Lord!!! Spring is right around the corner!!!!

I wish I could quote scriptures as so many of you wonderful "siestas" can. I am a work in progress and that will come with the study I am undertaking. However, I choose to believe the promises of the "Word". I am promised joy. I am promised peace. I am promised abundantly more than I ever imagined. I am promised happiness. Most importantly I am promised eternal life through my blessed savior Jesus. How lucky I am.

FAINT NOT....for we shall reap in DUE SEASON!!!!! Pray for SPRING for me darling siestas!!!!
This is the day that the Lord has made.
I SHALL rejoice and BE GLAD IN IT!!
Bless ya'll!


lori said...

Hey! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. It is so great that this blog world lets us meet each other.
I love here where you said "I can choose to be depressed" or choose to laugh. I have that battle all the time, we often just want to lie down and hide...But we dont have to.... And God will bless that decision to get up.
It is very nice to meet you. And yes I will be in San Antonio...


Michelle V said...


Hi! I am a fellow Siesta and also a single Mom. I can so relate with the hiding and depression thing. I have struggled with that as well. And, the financial impossibilities of being a single parent! You are in my prayers and I'm here if you ever need a friend!


jenmom said...

Sweet Sweet sister, I so hurt for you. I am a pastor's wife and my husband and I have been in the midst of people who claim to be believers but have hurt others so bad.
First of all, don't believe the lie that it is part of God's plan for you not to be part of a body of believers. It does seem that the church you speak of is not a place you need to be. Have you spoken with the pastor about the things going on? What has been his position?
It is so important to be in fellowship regularly with other believers. I believe the whole counsel of God's word would support this. There is the importance of personal devotional times and even family worship, but there is a danger in just going it alone when it comes to "church" and doing our own thing.
You need to be surrounded by people who will love you with the empowered love of Christ. This will be my pray for you, that God would send you to fellowship with a body of believers with servants' hearts.