
June 18, 2008


A few posts back, I wrote about some difficulties in Church. Well... God, the Stepping Up Bible Study and the Pastor's wife got ahold of me yesterday and these are the results.

God spoke to me directly last night and touched on a few things that are hard to swallow. I know that if He chastises me He loves me!!! BOY DOES HE LOVE ME!!!!

FIRST - I need to get over myself and toughen my skin before He can do anything.

SECOND - I need to get over myself and forgive all the wrongs. Yep they were wrongs...but
I am compounding the wrongs by talking about them and letting them fester.

THIRD - I need to get over myself and remember...I am one of the picked-on, laughed at and
talked about. As such I should be more understanding of others and not pick on, talk about or laugh at anyone.

FOURTH - I need get over myself and get back to Church for protection from Satan who is
really working on me these days... (I expect something awesome anytime now...gotta hang in there!) Still gonna look for new church home but in the meantime.... I'll be in a pew.

pieces of armor to protect myself from Satan and his forces. I need to use them more.

SIXTH - God has perfect timing.... my timing is WAYYYY OFF! Pray for patience.

SEVENTH - SEED ENCOURAGEMENT.....ENCOURAGE EVERYONE!!! I know I sure need it very much and maybe if I give more, I'll get more myself.

I appreciate all of you that wrote back to me. I appreciate friendship most of all. I wish I had giant rubber arms to reach around and squeeze each and every one of you that I am meeting and who are reading my blog and identifying with me. It is such a huge thing to be understood and for people to ENCOURAGE you!

Last night's meeting was inspirational. I also am involving myself in the Summer Bible Study via emails with new friends in RI and NC and that is going to be great fun, but sadly I won't be able to enjoy any of the recipes (my kids are PICKYYYYYY). Wash the sauce off spaghetti o's picky!!! Its tough to love to cook and have noone to cook for.

I checked out Kelly Minter's website. It's adorable. I would love someone to teach me how to build a website. I am a graphic designer (from the old days and can design things but don't know how to get them on a site...CSS, HTML, blah blah (its all geek to me)! Anyone out there want to help a Siesta out I sure would appreciate it.

Love Ya'll!!! MARANATHA


Yolanda said...

Gotta get over self....I love how that is becoming important to you, and to the rest of us that are striving to die to self and live for His glory instead of ours.


Sarah Martin said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and giving me encouragement. I know what you mean about "getting over yourself" as I have to do it everyday! Hope the NOG study is going well for you.


Natasha said...

dont we all have the same struggles, I am trying really to work on getting tough skin about what others do. God Bless!

Michelle V said...

I was just visiting your blog from the Siesta spotlight and I absolutely LOVE this post! There were several things in there that I needed to hear today!!
